yesterday was waxing day. if i said it didn't hurt, i'd be lying.
ang, bre, stef and i met up in the Burn and got it done. i also tried threading for the first time. never, ever have your moustache threaded. i don't even think i had more than ten hairs there. i wanted to try threading there, because wax on my face irritates it. threading your eyebrows = great. moustache/upper lip/whatever you want to call it = crying pain. so far no skin irritation from the threading... but man, it hurts!
i haven't decided if i'm going to blog about the rest of the waxing experience. maybe later, when i'm more awake.
yesterday was my friend's mom's birthday. as usual, it was very nice to go to their house and have yummy food, and hang out. oh, and that brings me to my next thing. my friend's sister is an RMT in ontario. but she's come back now, and has to take another course here before she can practise in BC. i want to arrange a time for people to come over for massages. she'll bring her table. $25/30mins and $40/hour. i will also send out an email. i'm only going to have 2 or 3 people over (depending on how long people want massages). so first come, first serve.
in other exciting news, i'm going to try to cut back on wheat and soy permanently. i do realise the implications of this (very little/no toast). ever since i got off the cleanse, i've been feeling really sick. and this yummy soy cereal with soy milk makes me want to barf every morning.
i think i'll do some work today. yay!
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