Friday, August 06, 2004

i will give you $1 to eat that

so, a while ago, p.b. (pre-blog) i believe, toren and ang and i were at moderne burger (the BEST veggie burger & fries) and toren got extra mustard (so it came on the side). upon its arrival, it came up, in some betting way, that i didn't think toren could eat the whole thing; despite anghold and i being superkeen to see this, and toren saying that he could do it, he took a raincheck. we tried to cheer him on, but he was concerned about not having mustard for his burger.

this was not a random jab. it was based on personal experience. in first year, some of us were drinking (surprise, surprise) in the common room. mahlette loves loves loves mustard. so we dared her (or offered to pay her) to eat like three packettes of mustard. she totally couldn't. then i tried and it was HORRIBLE! i probably spat it out all over the place. i have a problem with that.

i think the bet is still on because ang and i were willing to pay good money (like a couple bucks) to see this phenom. i KNOW that jeffy's like, i could have done that easily, and still drank a glass of chocolate milk and orange juice with chickpeas and feta cheese. but this is about toren. so to YOU toren, i say, saturday night is GO TIME! yeah, believe it! i've got a couple bucks left from the garage sale and i don't have any entertainment planned for post fireworks.

if anyone else wants to chip in a couple bucks for this event, or if you have ideas along the same vein, please post!

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