Wednesday, July 12, 2006


ahhh, the sweet sweet heaven that is a pair of brand new ikea slippers in my favourite colour. thank you cheryl and jeffy. a month and 12 days after the package was sent, it arrived. i found the post office and basically ripped it open and found 4 pairs of slippers whoot! again, thank you! yahoo!!

i saw pirates of the caribbean 2 with sharon tonight. i think it was better than the first, but maybe i should see the first one again. in any case, it was almost 2.5 hours, but it didn't really feel like it.

work's been crazy this past week. there have been some changes made to the department and i'm learning to be in charge of the nordic section, so it's a bit nuts... i'm sure i'll be back to slack in no time. today i only had time to look at 'ursula' three times. twice have been at home. don't worry, i looked my new hair and researched yvonne's suggestion long enough yesterday... it didn't need attention today.

i did have a minute to make a hair appointment for friday. what to do!

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