Monday, July 10, 2006


blah blah blah. have we met? i have ocd.

one of my quirks is that i have a very strict routine for bed. i may be out of my head drunk, more tired than tired, or just not feeling like it, but i will still do it. everyday.

first i wash my face, then i tone it, then i put an exfoliant cream on, and then i moisturise: first an all-around, and then one or two other forms of moisturiser on my eyes. the crazy moisturising is because of my eczema, if i don't, then i will most certainly regret it the next day, when it looks like i have dried toothpaste, or milk all over my face.

now, it might not sound that crazy, but the time kinda adds up. only in extreme circumstances will this be broken. and i mean really really extreme. super extreme.

this evening there was an 'issue'. how could i forget to buy cotton pads? i even brought the empty packet to work to remind myself that when i went to the bank, i had to nip in to boots and grab some more. i had even budgeted the time. so this evening, while performing the methodically comforting task of doing my face (for some people this means putting on makeup, for me: clean clean clean) there was a speed bump, and i remembered the cotton pads, or lack thereof. panic ensued, i knew i had to have hidden a couple for just such an instance. well, i'd hidden one, so i ripped it in half and finished. i will have half for tomorrow morning, and perhaps the upset caused by forgetting will remind me to get them tomorrow.

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