Monday, July 17, 2006

i havna got da powah

today the power went out at work. that was fun/boring. if there's no power you can't even surf the web. it was also hard to pee in the pitch black, which is where i was headed when the power went out. it was only out for like half an hour.

also, the girl who was in my market and is now doing the customer service part was not at work today. she was sick, but no one told me until almost noon. i still don't know 100% what's going on, so that was shit.

i'm excited about my (rescheduled for thursday) ergonomic assessment and of course the training in how to lift a box of paper properly, which takes place friday.

i'm going to try to bring a lunch 3 days this week. i will have a sandwich for 2 days at lunch, and i will try to remember to bring cheerios for breakkie, in an effort to save some extra money. i won't be saving much, but i want to save up money for a couple of long weekends we're planning and possibly a more serious vacation. it is tempting to keep buying the 1€ fruit pots though, because i couldn't buy all that fruit and not have most of it go bad on me.

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