Thursday, April 21, 2005


so, i was at work today when someone from my building came in. she has a bit of a loud voice and would pick up an item and ask how much it is, and then how much it would be with my discount. basically, it wasn't going over that well, because there were other customers in the store, and another girl that works there. so, i was just like, look i can't give you a discount, i have to go and see how other people are doing.

she left, and all was quiet. after work, i went home, and headed to the coq to support ang's new habit of shopping. she bought two übercute skirts. soooo fun. i almost bought a jacket. instead, i bought nothing. believe it. i checked my messages at home from my cellphone, and there were two from her. i called her back and she wanted to see if i'd gotten the chinese balls/donuts/rolls whatever they are that she left outside my door. now, the funny part is how she was explaining that she thought i would like them. in case you missed the blog where i went on about how much she loves ian and how she thinks that, "he's a good man, hang on to him", she is under the impression that we are together. ian is half chinese. she explained that she thought i might like them because, you know... apparently she thinks if you like one kind of chinese balls, you'll like them all!

god, that cracked me up. anyway. that was the comedy of the evening. i should go to sleep soon. i need to work hardcore tomorrow packing shit up. i can't wait for this open house to be over. gosh.

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