Monday, March 14, 2005

soooo sleepy

yesterday kicked my ass all over the lower mainland. it's true.

from 8.30-5.30 i was at the vancouver gift show. i know it sounds weak and pathetic, but my elbows hurt so badly last night, when it was done. because i carried this heavy bag around for the entire day. except for a quick break for lunch. and then, after i dropped lisa off at her house i was at an intersection with a stop sign for cross traffic and a light to control the main traffic (flashing green, so controlled by pedestrians). so i jumped out to press the pedestrian button and it changed right away. so i was running back to my car and i slammed my shoulder into the door. now my bone is bruised... and swollen.

anyway, i got home, and was not feeling up to my sisters, but i was gonna do it, cause it totally had to get done. i could tell they had been arguing the entire way here. this is never a good thing. anyway, the arguing continued. i had to drive my oldest sister to abbotsford so she could get picked up by her husband.

long long day.

the good news is, i do not have to work at the store today, so i'm going to get some other work related things done this morning, and then try to do some fun stuff for the rest of the afternoon. :o) yahoo!

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