Wednesday, March 02, 2005

the shoes are coming... the shoes are coming!

so, i kinda feel like shoes are taking over my apartment. this could be because they are.

i have a pile that needs to be taken away. a friend of ang and greg's is supposed to come by to check them out, but come monday, these shoes are out of here. and then i have my new shoes that need to be polaroided and put back in their boxes, so i can keep them dust-free. but i keep forgetting to buy film for my camera.

right now i'm making muffins. i had a tonne of bananas that needed using... like a week ago. but it just means the muffins will be extra sweet.

today i worked, and i still have work to do. i'm exhausted, despite getting lots of bed time. i find that having pms not only affects my rationality in relation to my emotions (i cry all of the time, and take everything personal and have no concept of intention) it also affects my quality of sleep. and makes me BLOATED and in pain. ugh. anyway, sleep, i need more of it, but have lots of work left to do tonight, so i'm blogging.

yesterday, i also worked. and watched a haircut happen. later i babysat. oliver was told he was going to mcdonald's and that he had coupons for it. so he was pretty excited to see me. which was actually pretty cool, because i'd had visions of him seeing me and screaming. we went through drive-thru and he was like: i've been to this mcdonald's before. i replied that i was sure he had been. anyway, then we picked up treats (he's not *my* kid) from 7 eleven and thai food and took the loot to my friend's hotel room. erin and tanya were staying at the century plaza for a spa convention and they had movies on demand, or whatever it's called. so we watched half of the incredibles before it stopped. then we watched some wheel of fortune, and i took oliver home. apparently i was all he could talk about this morning as he was getting ready for school. i RULE!

tomorrow i'm going to work, and then go for indian. maybe i can win another dinner from ian. rachel may be able to come out and play too. it could be the last time i see her before she goes to korea. hopefully she makes tonnes of cash so she can pay off her student loans and then go to south america for a few months.

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