today was fun. i was up early enough that sean didn't wake me when he called from the airport. we hung out here for a bit, and did some catching up. yay! then we met up with j.r. and boring nicole. we had brunch (sean was desperate for meat, so he had a burger). boring nicole was the same, and j.r. was as intense as ever. sometimes he gives me the heebie jeebies he's so intense.
then we walked around west 4th for a bit, and tried to get sean to buy a shirt that said kitsilano from lululemon. two reasons: one, advertisement. two, to remind him to move here.
after i dropped him off at the airport, i met up with lisa in little india. i bought some bangles. they are super cute. and i'm sure will be very popular at the store. then we talked about what my job will be at the store and stuff like that.
when i got home i talked on the phone for forever. and washed knickers, bras and a shirt (by hand, otherwise it wouldn't be worth commenting on). here's a question: how long is adequate to wash clothes by hand? do you have to soak everthing? how do you make sure knickers are clean? hopefully it's not like plastic bags, or ziplocs... we all know that my oprah info on germs in baggies crushed me. i'm starting to freak about whether my freshly washed items are clean enough! argh! luckily they're new... so it's really the next time i have to worry about. which gives me time to gather info.
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