Sunday, May 29, 2005

laughing at yourself is good

i truly truly believe that you need to be able to laugh at yourself. things get a little easier, and certainly more fun!

the title of "random ramble" started off as "early bird gets the worm". because i got up early that day. somewhere along the line it changed. but the opening sentence didn't. so, my blogging day has started off with a laugh. at myself! YAY!!!

i can't believe it's only 10.30, i've already worked for a couple hours and been to the gym. gross. well, if i shower and play a quick game of catan before i go back to work, i can go to bed at 4pm and have done everything i need to today. oh, after i read the rules. rats. shouldn't take long.

oh and waxing party is on. if you want details, email me. there are some sweet deals to be had!

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