Tuesday, February 15, 2005


valentine's day has always been a bit of a weird day for me. i guess so has christmas. not hallowe'en though... i TOTALLY get that one. yesterday was spent with friends, doing friend stuff, and having friend fun. that means, despite not seeing the vagina monologues, which i like to do on v-day, i had a great day.

this v-day, i got flowers from a boy, which was extra nice, cause my mom used to send me flowers so i would have really missed them. oh, and i got a valentine's day card from ireland... created just for me. i'm convinced, with love. i also got to witness james ask yvonne to be his valentine. this was a really special and moving moment, until anghold called him on it, and said that he had already asked her. i believe there was a big scrap about it, until greg jumped in and yelled (yes, greg was yelling all over the place) at them to forget james, and love each other. then yvonne, anghold and i went for pedicures and sent the boys away to do boy things.

pedicures were fun. a very new thing for anghold and yvonne. we all got "nail art". and talked about boys, trips to vegas, and other girly girl stuff. yay! we liked one lady more than the other. she had this wicked tattoo of a lady with an umbrella of hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades. and she was laughing with us. maybe we should have asked to get her number. she could be our new friend.

i dropped yvonne and anghold off after that and then was going to get some sherbert. turns out i was too tired. i went home, was going to have perogies for dinner, but only had three left in the freezer. watched the news, and a special on how chocolate beans are collected by child-slave labour, and went to bed. without watching wheel of fortune OR jeopardy. crazy? yes. tired? yes-er.

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