Monday, January 03, 2005

rationing kitsilano

two things happened today of note.

i went to the grocery store to get some stuff cause i have the next two days off, and want to make cookies before all of the chocolate gets eaten. i don't have any eggs. and apparently neither does the safeway. and they're out of a million vegetables. it was crazy. no lucerne white cheddar. no nacho chips. what i did get: light cream cheese, an orange, yellow cheddar, and some ice cream.

i also went to seigel's to get some bagels. and (i had just gotten out of the shower, and hadn't expected to leave the house) the girl there told me she loved my hair. and that it was so beautiful. what do i say to that? screw "the rules" you don't have to look your best at every moment in order to get picked up. oh wait, maybe you do. but not to get a compliment!

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