Sunday, January 16, 2005

chinese drinking games

good times to be had playing chinese drinking games at the hoolie house. the company was great, and the games were wicked.

we played such favourites as: dice, huxima/buxima wa wa, and 20. apparently there are more where that came from. also made clear by last night: i cheat when i'm drunk. but not at crib, which would be why, despite me not being able to put together a decent hand (and therefore getting skunked by greg) i insisted on counting his points, so he wouldn't miss any. and so ends the winning streak i was on. anghold kicked my ass this morning.

the rest of today has been pretty tame. went to sophie's for lunch. looked around west 4th a bit. came home. fought off a nap. succombed to a nap. chatted on the phone. tame. but nice. extra nice because i don't work tomorrow! and it's snowing!

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