Saturday, September 11, 2004

i had a very weird day today

no, i'm not making out with anyone right now... but i am taking applications.

it was a very extreme day today.

1. the store was an f'ing mess today when i got there. so in the 4 hours that i was there, i had soooo much to do.

2. someone stole like $600-1000 of rings from the store, probably while i was on. i feel HORRIBLE and plan to cry about it after i've taken off my mascara so my eyes don't burn

3. i was supposed to get off at 2, but do to confusion, left at 3.45 and then slipped on my way back into the store because i forgot my keys and phone. and i hurt my already hurt, and f'd up toe.

4. i met up with turi and had fun with her. saw some of her new jewelry, saw her new place (okay, here's the thing with this, because i know some of you will ask. i KNOW that me not going to other peoples' houses is weird. i KNOW i KNOW i KNOW. because of this, sometimes if i really really like someone, i kinda psych myself up to it and just do it. had i been at home and she asked me over, i would have automatically said no. but we were at a pub near her house, i dropped her off and she asked me in. what could i do? say no, i've got issues. i DO still want to be her friend afterall!) also, we talked about siblings with schizophrenia. and it was nice to talk to someone else that has had similar experiences as me. and turi is so super nice. it was good to see her, cause we're both lamely busy.

5. i met up with kirsten and talked all about her stupid boyfriend and her very very very exciting trip (i'm not typing this for her benefit, she doesn't even know that i have a blog). it gets me so excited about traveling. why am i even in vancouver? i should just be living out of a bag in some warm place.

speaking of traveling, i've started to listen to the learn spanish tapes that i found at my mom's house. i'm getting ready for south america. it's coming!

in other news. last night i ate toast after yoga. i think it gave me heartburn. this could be a sign. it was the lekkerbrot, not the white. and i discovered while working my little heart out last night that i clench my teeth, which is why i had a sore jaw a couple of weeks ago. contrary to popular belief, it wasn't from sucking too much c.

at grounds for coffee, where KG and i met up, i bought some cinny buns for ian and for my mom, if i see her tomorrow. maybe i will go to hope. anyone want to go for a drive? it is brigade days weekend. yahoo.

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