Saturday, September 18, 2004

fall update

so, on thursday, i was at the gym (this is THAT story, so skip ahead, if i've told you) just riding the bike, cause i was going to have tacos for dinner (there were so many shells leftover from my mom's) so i didn't want to go to yoga and be all farty. so, you know, i'm probably at 7 minute mark starting to sweat and really get into it, when i smell something, ugh! really strong cologne. so then i'm like, okay try to focus, but i had to look at who it was, and the guy was in ankle, wrist and chest weights, with tinted perscription sunglasses (it was pouring pouring rain that day) and a pink starbucks water bottle. as he started working out, i was overwhelmed but the extra smell of cologne building up. i tried to cover my mouth, but that's hard when you're trying work out. and then i had to leave. i finished my time on the bike, didn't get to experiment with anything else, almost vomited, and left. i'm going to email them today and ask that a sign be put up regarding cologne. it was sooo brutal.

anyway, we are going for poffertjes today. i am sooooo stoked, it's be forever since i had them...since i was last in holland... no, that's not true... they're mostly a winter treat there... hmmm... i don't know the last time. weird.

last night a few people came over for clean-up. thanks to ned and lola for being there at the begining. yvonne for being stoked about tequila. caleb for loving fall clean-up more than anything. janet and brian for showing up, with whiskey no less! and ian for making it... bad back and all. and james, especially for your high-quality (one might say german-style) pumping skills.

oh yeah, now i don't work tomorrow. so maybe if anyone wants to play some games, we could. i have some left over chipies and pop.

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