Monday, September 06, 2004

crisis in ursulaland

so, more about my trip in the next blog. for now... i forgot to mention that on the friday, while rachel was at the wedding, and james and karen were at work, i watched oprah. it was an episode about hidden germs and stuff like that. it's recommended to dry stuffed animals that your children play with, on high heat, every week. also, and here comes the crisis... you know how i wash and reuse all of my plastic bags? and ziplocs, specially? (so does oprah) BUT the germ specialist was like: don't. WHAT?! he said that there are germs and bacteria (which are germs, i guess) that you're spreading to good food. okay, i NEVER reuse bags or plastic that have had something go bad in it. BUT i do reuse the cheese bag. apparently cheese and meat bags are the worst. which i GET. but i don't like. what should i do?

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