Tuesday, September 07, 2004

all about the rest of calgary

oh india! your people make great food.

at puspah in calgary... somewhere totally out of the way. we had:

3 naan
2 rice
dansak (sooooo f'ing good, but next time i will ask for white meat only. but really, the sauce was sooo close to darbar's i have no reason to complain.
butter chicken
veggie curry
3 lassi (not the sassie kind)

my new goal is to make a wicked dansak based upon the recipe i got from darbar when i had lessons there.

after dinner we tried to call dan's 24 hour advice line (it was busy). we really wanted to know if bud got laid (from the improv soap, the night before). so we surfed the net and then, oh yes... and then we played settlers. my losing streak is over. first, i slaughtered ian at scrabble a few weeks ago, and then i won two times (jobs). bring it on, is what i'm sayin'. and we had icecream with catan, which made it even more magical. there is a reason haagen daaz icecream is so expensive. it's worth it. and i'd almost forgotten that.

also, canada beat russia 3-1 that day. i will watch the tape on wednesday. toren taped it for me.

the next day (sunday) i left for home. early. i was out the door at 8am. i wanted to avoid driving in the dark, getting tired, the masses of traffic, and i wanted to get home early enough to go to the PNE.
ian was already done the PNE by the time we talked, i didn't get tooooooo tired, but my back was/is sore, and there wasn't much traffic til surrey. decent.
i'm home now, and i have this week off, if you want to call me party i can do that, as long as you're a boy named crash.

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