Tuesday, June 09, 2009

a catholic education

some time ago, gerry and i were laying in bed, and as usual, i was feeling around my body for abnormalities. i have a lot of things wrong with me, so i usually find something of interest.

this time it was below the left side of my rib cage. obviously i made gerry feel my yet unidentified 'issue'. he decided it was my extra rib. i seriously laughed at him. now, i'm no expert in biology, but i'm pretty sure i had the highest mark in my bi 11 class, so i felt confident enough to laugh again. he defended himself by saying that women have an extra rib on one side, and then decided that maybe it was the other way around.

here is a synopsis of the rest:

i 'kindly' explained to him that that was a bible story and a lie.
he said it's what they were taught at school.
i laughed again.
he googled it.
i remain victorious.
