hmm... maybe i should have a bit of a disclaimer here.
as usual, my current obsessions will be thoroughly and publicly discussed here. current obsessions include all things weddings. so, if that's going to bore you... you might want to practice your skimming skills for the next while. i'm sure there will be a couple of months where there is no wedding talk. it's just that to get to that point, we have to do a few things or else we'll be stuck on the one point for the next million years.
we're thinking of setting up a bit of a website and having a wedding section. this will allow for online rsvp-ing, and lots of info on local stuff (once we know what local is) like hotels, sights, maybe even some wedding info like: please don't wear a green dress, unless you want to look like a bridesmaid. :o)
i'll keep you posted in any case.
current *big* obsessions include: locations, my dress, the date and milking big stores for as much free stuff as possible. i really do plan to only get married once, so i'm hoping that i can remember all the stories about places offering upgrades and champagne and all that stuff that people have told me about in the past.
the dress is a big one because i've never dreamed about my wedding. i didn't even think i'd be doing this... i blame gerry, because it's my blog, and i can. i guess i'm one of those, 'if you're gonna bother doing it, you might as well do it right' type of people. so i am, and as such, i will have a lovely dress and maybe even a lovely veil. but i'm not really sold on that yet. we'll see.