Tuesday, November 21, 2006

suggestions needed

here's the hypothetical* problem:

say one's sister got married without a pre-nup (because it was going to be forever). say that same sister's husband is actually a complete asshole (surprise, surprise - i'd like to point out that someone might have been suggesting that all along) and now they're getting divorced, and he wants stuff that's not his. because he's an asshole, and probably for a whole list of other reasons, but since this is hypothetical, i'll just let you imagine.

now in this scenerio, what the (asshole) husband is trying to get from the divorce is the shared house that the sister put down a heap of money for, and is therefore causing other problems that the (probably) younger sister is trying to take of.

this example leads to the suggestion part. and because this is hypothetical, one can dream. what would someone be able to do to get the (asshole) husband to get lost? clearly within a realm of legality. or not, and she can just have no knowledge of any events that may have taken place from a simple hypothetical.

if you are feeling vindictive, or know someone who just likes to punish assholes, i can provide an address. hypothetically speaking, of course.

if not, i am willing to take suggestions.

*it's hypothetical because *i* would never do something that might harm someone or cause any kind of jeopardy to any type of legal going-ons. but your suggestions might help me sleep better.

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