because last friday was quarter-end, and i was at work until 11pm (still started at 8am) i get to come in at 10 today! yay! i'm trying to scarf down a smoothie before i jet to the chemist's (hopefully for an antihistamine or whatever it is that people take in these circumstances).
i'm not allergic to anything. well, mushrooms are debateable, and i do have a gazillion 'food sensitivities'; to name a few: soy, cranberries, dairy, wheat, gluten, mangos, tomatoes, garlic, rice, and well, the list goes on. at some point on friday and saturday, i got some bug bites. gerry and i were in the exact same areas of the house, the room even. he doesn't have a scratch, or feel the need to scratch, at all.
i have at least eight bites on me, and a couple of which have gotten huge. bigger than the size of quarters. sure i get weird skin reactions to stuff some times, but this is FREAKISH.
maybe they're infected from the scratching.
anyway. gross. i don't know if they're fleas, but because we live in the country, and have to have a window open a bit so we don't die from carbon monoxide poisoning from the fires, they could totally come in. we're going to be vacuuming like crazy this week, and i'm going to try to get an answer for the gross-ness on my body.
now that it's getting late, i might have to wait until lunch time, but that's only 2 hours away.
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