today (while gerry was recovering from a hangover) i went into town with isabelle and had breakkie. then we went shopping... the search continues for a lace tablecloth for d's mom, but is now over for a coal bucket, a poker, a shovel, those metal grate things that stop the coal from falling down, and some fire logs. good times, really. and we also found a nice simple table cloth for at my house. yay.
yesterday gerry and i went to blarney in the morning and then came home to meet up with jim. we all went into town to watch the rugby game and have a few drinks. it was a really good game. i quite like rugby. it will replace hockey while i'm in ireland. once i'm back in canada, it will be all hockey all the time. anyway, ireland won, which was very exciting. after the game, i met up with some of the girls and had drinks and dinner.
i love that i only have four days of work left. i really need to find an easy 9-5 job that doen't make me work weekends... or lates, cause working 'til 8.30 this week is gonna suck.
time to light a fire. it was sunny here today, but it's cold in the house.
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