Thursday, November 10, 2005

canada 4 - usa 1

i may be becoming prejudice. i think i'm starting to hate americans. just puttin' it out there.

tonight anne and i cashed in on her birthday present and went to the hockey game in mannheim.

we were basically the only canadians in an american/german section. i think we ended up converting a couple of germans though. there was one younger guy near us in a team canada jersey, but i don't think he's ever seen hockey, because he clearly didn't know that when canada scores, you're supposed to cheer and scream and hollah! *gosh* oh, and there were these two bitches with canucks suck, and puck those canucks posters that i think the camera guy was in love with because he kept going back to them. when the crowd would yell: U-S-A anne and i would yell SUCKS! after. that was good fun.

oh, and we painted our faces, i'll post a pic tomorrow.

for now, it's bed time.

in 24 hours i'll be in ireland. wowsa.

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