Tuesday, October 11, 2005

hit the rails, jack

today i head back to the t dot. there has been a bit of a change to my already reworked plan of leaving for germany on wednesday. now i will go to north carolina with rachel and barb (this woman who rachel works for) next tuesday. and then the monday after that, leave for germany. i'm not sure when that means i will leave from germany to ireland, but that can be worked out.

this morning shelley made pancakes. this means that in the past 8 days i've had pancakes three times. all three times with maple syrup. saweetness!

thanks to kenji and shelley for hosting me this week. entertaining me with CSI and law & order (a near unlimited supply), feeding me, playing games with me, and not getting mad when i tease their oldest child... it will be fun for you!

yay arkona!

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