Monday, July 26, 2004

the cherry is popped

yay! i've jumped on the blogbandwagon. and i like it here!

i haven't been out of bed too long, so i haven't much to say about today, so yesterday will have to do...

i desperately wanted to go swimming yesterday, but couldn't find peeps to head to the lake with me. imagine that. it was sunday and everyone had plans. i didn't feel like going alone, since i just got back from a road trip and needed it to be a fun drive if i was going to go. instead, i sat around, watched law & order ci and at the last minute, went shopping and made treats for the SCI-FI extravaganza.

that night, as planned, we sat down with tonnes of popcorn, some 50's style sci-fi marshmallow treats, and a slurpee or two at ang's house for old-school sci-fi movies. (confession: i have a degree in film, and i'd never seen TRON-well, until last night). holy homo-eroticism. the suits! the girl! the motorcycles! oh the 80's!

and especially, the H-O-T commentary. :oD i had no idea that the early geeks had sex, i guess it had to start somewhere. probably as an experiment.

then we watched logan's run. i think that might have been a film we were supposed to watch in one of my classes, but i didn't. thank jeebus. whoa. that little gem could have easily been a half-hour shorter. and i must admit. i was a little shocked by the outfits. but they did have a climate-controlled environment. hmmm... the only chick with boobies was farah. seriously, those were some sassy outfits. and i think we were all in agreement, too much walking, not enough running.


rabblerocket said...

a) Yay! Welcome to blogland. I knew your cynicism wouldn't hold up for long.

b)under settings, you might want to set your comments to allow for anonymous posts, otherwise your non-blogger friends won't be able to comment.

c) better yet, as discussed before,

d) TRON TOTALLY ROCKED! I was surprised. I thought it would just be cheesy, but it was BOTH cheesy AND good. I really did like some of the cinematography, and the almost 1930's b-and-w style. I am not a film student, but I am a geek, and it was a definite gap in my repertoire.

Anonymous said...

cgul here!!!!

Nice blog babe!! Okay so now I have to go and watch tron....geeze!!


goodurs said...

yvonne! i did the coding thing. i think everyone can post now. thanks tips. thips.
