Thursday, July 29, 2004

girls who like girls who like boys...

whoo hooo! last night was fun! happy birthday heidi!

so, either i was getting drunker and the music stayed the same or i was getting drunker and the music was getting better. in any case: yay to pink martinis! and yay to cute girls in black shirts and yay to dancing gay boys. i KNOW there were a few things i was going to comment on, but i don't remember what they were. so, that can be a tomorrow thing, if yvonne reminds me.

today two things happened in my car of note. both while going to the coq. to ang's house.

1. on my first trip there, on first ave, there were two guys crossing the road. one was going at a good speed (they were walking) the other was sauntering along, on his cell phone. at this point, i'd like to mention that it is a 6 lane road. so i kinda kept my speed, but potentially sped up. who's to say? i was getting really close, fast. (this is a very busy road, and people go fast). so he FINALLY looked up and realised that he'd better run. i think it freaked him out. and it should have, because there are so many things wrong with that. jay walk. whatever. i don't care. but DON'T jay walk while on your phone, chillaxing in the middle of the f'ing road. what the h are you thinking? i hope that today he learned a valuable lesson. i WILL run you over. well, probably.

2. while going to drop ang off, toren and i saw a hyundai accent in front of us with a mustang sticker on the trunk. i have only one problem with this. if it were meant ironically it would be funny. i don't think the nederlander meant it to be. also, i think toren feels that the NL for nederlands also means nether region.

before i forget... this dance dance revolution thing is going too far. last night on wheel of fortune, one of the contestants said she got addicted to it and so she had to buy the whole thing so you can play it at home. when did this revolution happen? i KNOW people have been playing it for a while, but when did everyone start talking about it?

also, as my third day without toast, i think i'm starting to go into the caleb allergy restriction crisis again. i had nachos yesterday. and i will be replacing breads with corns. like popcorn (lola).

peoples! don't forget to tell me if you're coming to the barbeque on the 7th. just so i have an idea, and because i need to plan. :oD if you didn't get an invitation, ask around, they're floating in cyberspace.

last but not least, props to janet for the for the mario party boost! and props to toren for getting his ass totally kicked harsh today. even if that's only a 60% er. :op i laugh at you.


psychicle said...

i <3 mario.

i would marry him, you know, if I didn't have a boyfriend, and mario wasn't like, pixels. amongst other reasons.

psychicle said...

can we party with mario again? he is one cool dude.

Anonymous said...

Where's the love for Luigi? The strong, silent second banana's need some loving too. Mad Props Ursy for the ddr craze.

goodurs said...

yes! let's play mario party more. since you love mario and i love yoshi, there'll be no f'ing (fucking) fighting. i've been in h (hell) since kicking t's (toren's) butt all the way to the m (moon). :op