Monday, July 26, 2004


on thursday and friday i got MAD email. seriously. i was way into double digits. it was wicked. ian and i left my house, i remembered something i'd left, came back, and i already had new emails. it was a good email day. i was soooo giddy from it. someone likes me x 30. it's the little things really.

oh yeah... so this brings us to the point. i got an email today reminding me about the castle reunion... i worked in england at a castle that is a school. does this make sense? it doesn't really have to. anyway. i am not interested. especially if josh might be there. i know, it's been forever. but if you don't like someone's personality and their politics, then you don't like them.

things like this make me feel like a non-participator. but is that what you are when you don't want to do something, or is that what you are when you want to, but don't?

1 comment:

goodurs said...

dude! it was mad, like mad skills. :op teaser.