Friday, July 30, 2004

do your toes say,"No!" to downward dog?

there are chronicles everywhere...suddenly every new book is the chronicles of something. it's like dance dance revolution.

last night i went to abbotsford, cause my best friend from grade six is there right now. so while i was waiting for her in a parking lot (her parents' gated community is right next to a cinema) i had to, more than once, pretend that i had pulled over to use my phone! (i was waiting a while.) there were a couple of kids that came out to empty the trash, and i was like, great, here i am, weirdo, either trying to case the joint, or trying to break in to someone's car... and then this guy walks by my car, and i started to panic, like he was going to ask me what i was doing there or something. turns out, he's checking out the lowered truck beside me... i saw him while i was "on the phone". and then 10 mins later he brings out another guy and they start checking out the car... and admiring it very much... i overheard this while "on my phone". anyway, heather came back, and we had fun hanging out, girl talking. i like not pregnant heather. it's been a while since i've seen that one, but it's the one i like best. :o) and heather, mason, and promise surprised my mom (which made her day). it was fun. i think my mom wants grandkids. hard to say. i would be willing to consider a time-share kind of thing. well...maybe. let's see what the return policy looks like first.

oh! i picked up my barbeque today... let's get roasting. and my mom wanted me to take her telescope for a couple weeks, cause she can't see anything in hope (too smokey).

also, as i am the maid *hee hee* of honour at danielle's wedding, i went with her and her mom to see 2 of the 3 potential photographers. one i thought was cool. one was crazy. seriously. eek. he was trying to make jokes about the other photographers being alcoholics and stuff, so she should pick him. it wasn't working out so well as a joke. it almost came across as desperate.

i also went to the doctor today. i like her. she's very nice. and probably thinks i'm crazy. i save up things that are wrong with me for a one-shot deal. so i had 4/5 things to deal with today.. fyi: i DO NOT need my ears cleaned. and my toe was broken and will probably have arthritis now! she suggests no more downward dog. i'm not sure i will listen to her. but she was nice about it. also... in case anyone is concerned... gina is sore now.

oh! and what i was going to write about yesterday:
my issues with strollers. not the people, god knows... i'm an f'ing stroller of the worst kind. i hate how people think that, oh i have a stroller... i'm going to block the whole sidewalk, while with my friend who has twins. we have babies. we are the most important. and please don't complain to me if your f'ing buick-style-play-pen-on-platinum-wheels stroller doesn't fit in a store. like i care. how could i have remembered this? and what brought it on? i believe yesterday two people with strollers just took their time crossing the street or something. but what reminded me of it was today, at chapters. i was leaving the store, and blam. right in the middle of the doorway a woman stopped. at a bit of an angle... so really there was no way around. first of all, even if it's sans stroller, that's rude. secondly, be careful! you have a stroller!


psychicle said...

I believe I asked the same question not four months ago.

goodurs said...

that's a great explanation... i'll sum it up in as many words...
you are facing the ground trying to make a triangle with the floor and your body. you're on your toes (as a dog is) and your body is straight. and it's hard. and i don't believe it is a rest position. i think it's an example of the power of suggestion. downward dog: arms straight, back makes a smooth line, on your toes, legs make a fairly smooth line. head down. breathe.