Luckily, I was strong enough to resist the temptation of the Pinit Grig my lovely downstairs neighbours were drinking pool-side when I got home. I did eat my dinner down there, but only had some water. I know - I'm very strong! I also got to meet Their lovely ginger cat who immediately gave me kisses.
Anyway - the bikes now fit in cupboard. Not much else does, but whatevs. Next: finish kitchen. Tomorrow, obviously!
For the bonus points, I've also got two boxes of books to donate/sell.
For even more bonus points, I found my nemesis, Box 35. G kept saying that every single thing I asked about was in Box 35. I seriously moved every fricking box of books and other lead-like objects from the closet to check the numbers on all of the boxes. Then I looked in the storage in the garage. Then I looked in the closet again. The f'ing thing was also labeled 'Books Box 8'!
This evening ends as a success.