Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Worm Flu - It's Real

It's been weeks of 💩 and nausea. I was feeling better for a bit in between but it's hit me again. 
I have spent the last 3 days bedridden. Dehydrated. Only eating when my stomach forced me to nibble on something. It's been horrible. No energy - for obvious reasons. And a sore bum from all of the pooping. 

I've obviously improved, otherwise I wouldn't even be writing this. Tomorrow the medicine will arrive. Something stronger than Imodium or Benadryl. 
In my phone call with Garin, he put it out there that maybe the initial dosing was too strong and we'll have to kill these ones off and try a lower dose. I hope the medicine works and that these last few weeks haven't been wasted. Okay, not wasted, because it provides valuable information, but still. 


Friday, October 16, 2015

Sore bum

I have had so much diarrhea in the last 24 hours that my bum is sore. 

At least 3 times in the night, 3 times today and once before I went to bed. *sigh*

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Worms - 4 weeks in

I hadn't fell well all day. I was worried it was because of the naproxen I've been taking the last couple of nights, since my arthritis has been so bad that it's been hard to walk, move, and do anything really. Naproxen usually upsets my stomach after a day or two of taking it, and the symptoms are often like I feel really full or have heartburn, which is how I'd been feeling. 

We still went out for Happy Hour. I ordered two drinks, drank one, loads of water and had a few sips of the second. 

I at almost half of my meal, but by that point felt so overfull, it was gross. 

When we got home, I was lying on the couch feeling disgusting, and at the point where I wanted to barf, if it would make me feel better. I clued in that it was probably heartburn, and took some Tums and a prescription tablet - for long-term relief. It seemed to help a bit, but I was definitely worried about managing sleep!

As I was brushing my teeth, the dry heaves started and I barf in the sink a few times. Should have tried for the toilet, the drainage on the sink sucks. But, the seat was down, and I didn't want to have to clean the bathroom again today. 😸

I feel better. Still a bit queasy, but I think it was my pet worms, as I've had a lot of poops today, and none of them solid. 

Yesterday, I'd been so excited for my first solid poop in ages. Now, I'm just glad I have a clean nightie. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Worms Day 11

Yesterday evening, the inoculation site started to get itchy and bumpy again. Not sure what's caused it, but I think tonight I might have to take some Benadryl. 

Otherwise, I was very sore yesterday, and was having trouble walking, so I guess I haven't reached the benefits stage yet. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Worms - Into Week 2

The poop situation has 'tightened up' a bit, which is good news. I still get hella exhausted (like can't stay awake) in the early afternoon, which is leading to having trouble falling asleep. Hopefully that will sort out once we're home again. 

I haven't had crazy cramping, and the itching on my arm is basically gone. I still have mornings of nausea - and when I'm hungry, I want to vom. Eating seems to shut the worms up, so I can work with that. :o)

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Worms Day 6

This morning I woke up feeling nauseated. Not sure if it's from the worms, or the 2 Naproxen I took last night because my body was vibrating with pain & discomfort. 

Really hoping to not vom, as I don't want to lose my new friends. 

Worms Day 5

I am pretty f'ing tired today. But, the worms have likely made it to my intestines at this point and are trying to get all comfy. 

On Friday or Saturday I had some phlegm when I woke up (not unusual) and I coughed and spat it out. It was kind of pink, but I didn't think that the worms would have made it to my lungs by that point. Next time, get a detailed timeline so there's no worm-spitting. 

Anyway, I'm hoping that my level of fatigue indicates that I did not spit up all of the worms. 

My arm is just a bit spotty, and kind of bruised looking. No itching today. So far. 

Saturday, September 05, 2015

Day 2 - Evening

Tonight it kinda looks like a bruise with a rash on top. 

Friday, September 04, 2015

Worm Therapy Begins

Yesterday, G and I drove down to Tijuana so that I could get infected with worms. 

Yeah, worms. On purpose. I paid for this. 

After a consultation with the doctor, we decided 25 hook worms would be a good start. We went to a different room and he put some on a bandaid, and then put the bandaid on my arm. 

There was some heat after a few minutes, followed by some pin-prick feelings, and then some itching. The itching died down, I finished the wait of an hour, and with a sometimes itchy arm, we left.

I have directions on how to care for my worms, what to expect side-effect wise, and some medication on how to get rid of them, if I choose.

On the way home I started to work on a migraine. Not sure if it was a side-effect of the worms, or my lack of sleep and improper eating while on the road. I got a massage and took some Tylenol to help with the migraine, and before bed, took some Benadryl before sleep last night, as I couldn't bare to have another crappy sleep. 

Sort of hive-looking itchy bumps where the worms have burrowed: 

I woke up this morning and while a bit stiff from my Psoriatic Arthritis, I felt fine. My migraine is gone, and my arm is only itchy off and on. It's really not so bad.

Rash that looks like an itchy patch of eczema or jelly fish stings:

Monday, July 27, 2015

My Homeless Boyfriend

No, not that one, the other one. 

Today I was riding my bike along Walnut, going to the library after my pedicure, when I heard some shouting. I knew who it was, partly because I heard something about an ass, which is my homeless boyfriend's obsession with me. And fair enough, I have one, and it's quite noticeable, and that's just the way it is. 

Anyway, I was obviously hoping that I had actually misheard, or that I would out-ride him, or get to the bib before he caught up to me, but that didn't happen. I was just about to turn, when who rolls up? Peddling as fast as he could, with a sign, and quite possibly all of his worldly possessions, still hollering, it's him - the Predident of the Big Booty Fan Club. 

I decided to yell back (from the other side of the road, as is reached my destination, that he wouldn't talk to his mother like that, and that he needs to leave me alone. He promptly wiped-out, possibly tore his arm up (I'm not sure). I asked him if he was alright, he said he was, got back on his bike, and zoomed (sort of) off. 

This is either a cliffhanger or part one of a long series. 

Friday, May 01, 2015

TSA Inspection

G brought me a couple of sexual items.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Lately (the past two days) a section of my face had been hurting as I was it. I'm not sure if it's eczema/psoriasis or that I cut my face and didn't notice.

Monday, March 23, 2015

The books are done!

Another successful day of unpacking. 

Luckily, I was strong enough to resist the temptation of the Pinit Grig my lovely downstairs neighbours were drinking pool-side when I got home. I did eat my dinner down there, but only had some water. I know - I'm very strong! I also got to meet Their lovely ginger cat who immediately gave me kisses. 

Anyway - the bikes now fit in cupboard. Not much else does, but whatevs. Next: finish kitchen. Tomorrow, obviously!

For the bonus points, I've also got two boxes of books to donate/sell.

For even more bonus points, I found my nemesis, Box 35. G kept saying that every single thing I asked about was in Box 35. I seriously moved every fricking box of books and other lead-like objects from the closet to check the numbers on all of the boxes. Then I looked in the storage in the garage. Then I looked in the closet again. The f'ing thing was also labeled 'Books Box 8'!

This evening ends as a success.