Friday, July 18, 2008

still going

so, i'm still cleansing. this means things basically suck in the food department around here. what worries me most is that these 'cookies' i made (banana, oats, cinnamon, threw in some nuts for excitement) tasted super gross when i first tried one but by the second day i was like: hey, these aren't that bad!

in other fun news, we got an ikea couch that pulls out into a bed for our guests who will be arriving in less than a month! (by one day, but still!) oh, and on the weekend, with some assistance from my fellah, i made raspberry jam. i've already given a few jars away, so i hope they taste alright. they are, of course, laden with sugar, so i wasn't able to taste it while sweating away over the stove.

lastly, my belly dancing class is going well. um... well, okay the teacher is a good belly dancer, but i don't know that i would say she's a good teacher. it's only one more class, so i don't really mind, and i do feel like i've learned some stuff, and even more importantly, had some nice sweaty work outs.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

working 9-5

*shock & horror*

i've been temping this week. and will finish the week with it too. in fact, i've got something (or should have, i'm just waiting for the confirmation email) lined up for the next month after this.

busy me. busy bee.

have i mentioned that i think i can taste one of the medicines prescribed to me? i can't which. they all have a similar weird smell.


as many of you, my massive audience of 2, know, i have a serious problem with eczema and psoriasis. both of which can be very painful and fairly disgusting. well, let me clarify... it doesn't bother me to see it on other people, but when you have it, you know people are staring at it, and you know most people think it's disgusting.

it also leads to other things, like arthritis, scarring, hair loss, etc.. basically, it's not the worst thing out there, but it's not super either.

so, in my attempts to get a grip on this thing, i saw a specialist again, on tuesday. i told him where i am having problems and he looked and talked to the other guy there (student or whatever). he rambled off some stuff and filled 3 sheets of prescription paper.

so, i went to the drug store and had to wait *ages* for everything. then when i got to the till the total was $200! and let me tell you, it is hard to figure out what is going on with all this stuff. i will admit, it's a good deal my own fault cause i should have been more demanding, but i can never remember that stuff anyway. and i guess cause i've started a cleanse under rachel's guidance, i was a little more ambivalent about the prescriptions from the MD.

basically, i want to use the prescription stuff to clear up the issues, especially on my scalp and arms and i'm hoping with rachel's help, i'll be able to cure the problem.

also, please take this as a warning that not only am i going to be PMSing, i'm also going to be a psycho needing some peanut butter, chocolate, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, sugar, bread, dairy, etc..

on that note, i will do one more blog and then go to sleep.