Thursday, October 21, 2004


so, word on the street is that i have a lot of blogging to do because i have been sick and now i have to make up for what has been lacking.

today, despite being sick, i worked a million hours. and towards the end of my shift (but not my work day) i almost died. i am too sick to be working. that's not right. i bet there are tonnes of people who should have had today off but had to work. and that. stinks.

thanks to everyone that came over for pricing jewelry. there's more where that came from. seriously. see you here tomorrow. i'll try to be more organised.

i think i want to take a photography course. just puttin it out there. i miss my love of pictures. no, i miss my love of anything other than sleep. and not being sick. i feel like i don't do anything exciting anymore...but i guess that's where The Trip comes in. whatev. it's bed time.

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