Wednesday, August 18, 2004

DJ Hillman is Now Your New Subsitute.

The queen is on vacation. The Hillman takes over for just a few sessions...

Working with kids is a rewarding experience, there are no doubts about that. But working with kids' thoughts is another story all on its own. In the midst of searching for answers in these developing minds, more questions often rebounds off the backboard as you try for that final under-the-leg dunk. Before you know it, you're back on the bench.

If you can't decipher what I just said, it's all good.

Let me tell you a story. It'll come clear that way.

As a park leader at a local wading pool and playground, I see all type of kids. White, black, asian, yellow, blue, fat, short, tall, skinny, you name it, I've met them. However, the questions are often the same: "Can I have a water balloon?" "Can you turn the sprinklers on?" "Where are the bubbles?".

Then there is Jessica.

She prances up to me in her pink swimsuit, and tugs my shirt with her 6 year old hand. As I shift my attention to her side, she quickly points at the two negro-asian children in the pool.

"What's wrong, Jessica?" I asked.
"Those kids wants to play with me." she replied. "But do I have to?"
"Sure, go on, it's a good thing. Isn't it?" I smiled.
"But my grandma said I can't play with black people. It's not good" she whined.


Oh. Exactly. Oh is right. In that lil 6 year old mind there is a seed that will root to something that may guarantee doom. The same thought that guaranteed individuals, cities, and nations to utter destruction. Hate.

But I can't blame the grandma. There is no proof her teachings are for the worse of her daughter. She takes Jessica to the park, she makes her lunch, she buys her toys when her parents are too busy. It must've been love that made Jessica's grandma's to teach her something that she believes is better for her grand-daughter to know. Everyone's asking where the love is. The love is there. In fact, the love is everywhere. It is just shadowed by a thin film of personal hate that we each believe that is for the better of our offspring.

I urged Jessica to play with the kids. I pick up a beachball off the deck of the pool, and sat back onto the bench. Damn.

-DJ Hillman-

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