Tuesday, October 15, 2013

This is it

Well, it's a big day at the Hoefer Gainford house, and I am pumped. It's our for-real last go, and it starts now (actually in 3 hours).

We've gone all out for the final try, so if it's meant to be, then it will happen. We're doing laser acupuncture before and after the transfer, I've been doing twice-weekly acupuncture for ages, I've done hypnotherapy, and have been removing stress.

After today, we start the two-week wait. This is always the hardest part; you can't help putting the stroller before the baby. You try to remain just hopeful and optimistic, but ever little thing is a sign that you are or aren't pregnant. It's truly an emotional roller coaster.

If you've got a moment around 11.30 today, feel free to send on some positive vibes.

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