Friday, July 18, 2008

still going

so, i'm still cleansing. this means things basically suck in the food department around here. what worries me most is that these 'cookies' i made (banana, oats, cinnamon, threw in some nuts for excitement) tasted super gross when i first tried one but by the second day i was like: hey, these aren't that bad!

in other fun news, we got an ikea couch that pulls out into a bed for our guests who will be arriving in less than a month! (by one day, but still!) oh, and on the weekend, with some assistance from my fellah, i made raspberry jam. i've already given a few jars away, so i hope they taste alright. they are, of course, laden with sugar, so i wasn't able to taste it while sweating away over the stove.

lastly, my belly dancing class is going well. um... well, okay the teacher is a good belly dancer, but i don't know that i would say she's a good teacher. it's only one more class, so i don't really mind, and i do feel like i've learned some stuff, and even more importantly, had some nice sweaty work outs.