Friday, January 26, 2007

wii - indeed!

i got a text from gerry when i was in london: found a wii, 3 games, 2 controllers, should i buy it? texted back: yahoo. (although that text didn't go through).

anyway, the point is that i came home today to find the wii set up and ready for love (and by love, i mean caressing, whispering sweet nothings, and lots and lots of praise).

i will be blogging heaps of pics and stories about our trips... probably on sunday, in between wii-ing, and recovering from gerry's work party tomorrow night, but for now it's off to bed to nurse my first wiinjury (gerry and i were playing tennis and he backhanded into my arm). i also found out that i can get game cube games and a controller for it, and because we're online, and gerry's already set that up, play with others who have game cube... i'm just sayin' is all. *must find super mario games asap*

so far, so fun!!!

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