Saturday, April 15, 2006

uh oh... it's started

*please note, i know where i've gone wrong... i'm working on it, today i got out of bed at least three hours earlier than yesterday. AND it was still considered morning.

due to my penchant for insomnia, i'm in a weird spot with jetlag. sometimes, because of it, it works out really well. like going to canada was a gem. i just met up with some friends and stayed up 'til about 10 or something, crashed hard and woke up at a normal time. coming back to ireland has been a complete disaster. we left vancouver in the evening, so (because sleeping on the plane is pretty much not an option for me) the flight was an over-nighter (the worst kind) and then we had to wait in london, thank god gerry gets into a lounge, or i would have died. but we got back to ireland at like 4.30 in the afternoon. you can't be expected to stay up another 8 hours. it's been downhill from there. tonight, i was doing fairly well... but gerry was knackered, so we went to bed way too early. now i'm awake, and my body's like: breakkie! whoot! i'm not even on a canadian time-zone now... i think i might be closer to india. maybe i can just make my way around the world.

in any case, i'm looking to score some catan/carca action. let me know if you're up for it. this jet lag thing might as well have some benefits.

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