Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 9 of 12 Day Wait

Have been having some spotting for the last few days. I've been kind of panicky and a bit nervous, but of course, trying to stay positive.

But, thanks to Google and the Internets, I'm feeling a lot better now. It seems almost everyone doing the endometrin suppositories has pink on their plasticky thing and some spotting to go with it.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Here we go!

Round 2 - it's like a season finale over here!

We're going in for our last go at getting knocked up tomorrow. Here's hoping it works. I think they're going to plop two embryos in, we'll hang out for a bit, we'll probably have some dosa, I'll head to work, and then we wait 10 days or so.

It's awesome that the time is finally here, but a bit scary too. I mean, c'mon - we've agreed that this is our last go, so after this, our lives will be greatly influenced by either being pregnant, or not.

We have plans for either scenario, which I feel good about. It's good to have a plan!

So yeah - crazy/nerve racking/exciting but I think the exciting wins for now.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Round 2 - Begins!

Once you have frozen embryos, the process is a bit different.

I've been on estrogen since Day 1 - Period Day 1, that is. The first week is 2 x day, the second week 3 x day. It's easy, because it's just pill, so you can take it anywhere; it's hard, because you're supposed to take it at the same times. It's been over two weeks, and I'm still surprised when the alarm goes off! While Estrace is no Puregon and whatever else I took to brew my millions of eggs, it still totally messes with you: weight gain, emotional sensitivity, and because of my psoriatic arthritis, increased joint pain. I will not miss taking this Estrace, but I think I stay on it for 10 weeks, if this works out.

Anyway, the timeline is this: tomorrow, I go in for my first ultrasound. They'll decide if the lining is good to go. I start Endometrin, after the ultrasound, and also take that for a million weeks. If the lining's not great, we'll do Monday next week.

So, 16 or 17 days from now we'll know if I can do some baby clothes shopping in California, or if I'll be drinking my face off, eating soft cheeses, and going in the hot tub every night.

Wish us luck!