one more sleep and we're off to paris. whoot. it's just a quicky. we get in late-ish on friday and then we'll spend saturday wearing out our shoes (i'm bring comfortable runners this time... none of this high-fashion cuteness, it's gonna be high-function all the way) and then saturday evening we have the show at the moulin rouge! sunday will be spent hitting the cobblestone again, and then we fly back.
it's one of the things i'll miss the most about living here. it's really quite convenient to get to paris for the weekend, or to catch a show in london midweek. the problem of not liking to fly is somewhat less major, as long as it's not on ryanair. i lose my head with that airline because you don't get assigned seating. it's like getting on a bus, and i'm always really not keen to sit next to strangers when i'm about to have a panic attack while flying. i feel it's more fair to subject people i know to that kind of excitement.
in other news:
we had a team night out last night. good fun there. dinner was nice and the company was great. we made some confessions to each other. one of mine and carol's was that when ricardo first started here, i couldn't remember his name so we gave him a new name ending with 'o' everyday. fernando, eduardo, federico, carlo... you get the idea. he confessed he thought i was american. boo-urns.
oh, i also found out that someone in finance overheard me say that i was gonna break a sweat one day and they think that i really keep my island (the group of desks where we sit) really entertained. i've tried to tone it down a bit today, but we laughing at ourselves because last week, in excitement of borat, we were going on with 'i liiiike' 'high-five' 'it's niiiice' 'we make sexy time?' for ages, and laughing our asses off at it the entire time. at least we're having fun. :o)
it's almost my birthday. i'm pretty excited about 30. as i've said before, 'it's the new 20'. but better, i hope. :o) i still haven't nailed down any presents, but i love surprises so that's cool. i liiiike guessing too... so it's a really tricky in-between.
hmmm... maybe i need to buy myself a present in paris. like these cute chanel earrings... i will have to see how much they are.